Founder of Clue Detective Online and Bipolar Advocate
Catherine Eagleson was suggested to me as a guest who wanted to share her story about living with Bipolar disorder and also how she has created puzzling for mental health.
Catherine developed the Clue Detective Online Puzzle Portal ‘It comprises a range of crosswords, codewords, filmograppuzzles (cryptograms based on an actor and a selection of his/her films), sudoku and world-building challenges, etc.
There’s something for everyone. Check out her blog each day for puzzling inspiration!
‘Annual membership is available to individuals for a small fee per year One can be a lifetime member too. It is also offered as an e-resource in a growing number of public libraries across Australia.
‘Once a member, one can access puzzles on PC, laptop or tablet, wherever there is a wi-fi connection.’
Catherine’s ultimate dream is for Puzzle Detective to be in every library in Australia, New Zealand, and beyond. ‘If it’s not available from your library, please request it. Many library patrons who enjoy solving puzzles will reap the benefits all year round!
‘One gentleman once told me that my (codeword) puzzles save his sanity on the frequent long-haul flights he takes as they’re “the best way to while away the hours between London and Sydney!”
Catherine Eagleson was suggested to me as a guest who wanted to share her story about living with Bipolar disorder and also how she has created puzzling for mental health. Catherine developed the Clue Detective Online Puzzle ...